I’ve tried very hard to keep it positive here and in my life, but that’s been a challenge during the last few days. With the bullshit rulings the Supreme Court has made about abortion rights, affirmative action, LGBTQIA+ rights, and student loan forgiveness, the country I was born into has never felt less familiar and welcoming.

One party wants healthcare only for those who can afford its currently obscene costs. Everyone else wants non-restrictive healthcare for all.

One party wants to control the bodies of women and believes that a fetus is the most important thing in the world (until it’s old enough to be shot to death). Everyone else wants to provide abortions for women, life-saving and otherwise.

One party wants to saddle people with lifelong debt for an education full of whitewashing and other inaccuracies. Everyone else wants free or low-cost high-quality education for all who want it.

One party doesn’t actually care if children and adults continue to die while they hide behind a façade of meaningless thoughts and prayers. Everyone else wants sensible gun control.

One party wants to subjugate, invalidate, and criminalize LGBTQIA+, women, people of color, and all minorities. Everyone else wants real equality and fairness for all.

One party swims with glee in the murky, disgusting depths of hate. Everyone else is intolerant of intolerance.

I’d be more interested in working together if one party wasn’t constantly trying to tear us all apart. As it is, they don’t deserve my kindness or respect. I hope their wicked and despicable ideologies soon shrivel and fade away into nothing forever.